Threat to Journalism? Threat to society?


*5th pass have become journalists, criminals are also writing ‘press’, how will journalism survive?*

The attitude of criminals towards journalism is a threat to the society.

*@ from my pen*

Where earlier criminals used to join hands with a political personality or party for the desire of glamor and to create tension between the police-administration, at present this trend has changed. People of all criminal tendencies are now turning towards journalism and advocacy. But due to the time taken in the degree of advocacy and the necessary studies, journalism is currently becoming the most preferred field of criminals._

* After the advent of other means like web, portal and social media along with electronic media, any person is declaring himself as a photographer or a journalist at any time. The sad aspect is that journalism, which is called the fourth pillar of democracy, once had intellectuals and people with a passion to do something for the society, whereas today, after the advent of indiscriminate newspapers, magazines, web portals, a large number of people Criminals have also got a golden opportunity to write ‘press’. With the help of this, they are not only hiding their old crimes, but by giving birth to new crimes, they are also strengthening their grip on the police and administration. They are engaged in conducting all kinds of illegal activities under the garb of journalism.*

_According to a practical calculation and evidence, class 5th or 8th and in many cases even illiterate, are roaming around calling themselves media persons. Their number will also be found in hundreds. Now the big question is that how to save the dignity of real journalists and an important discipline like journalism from the clutches of crime and criminals? And after all, who will save?

Zahid Khan/ Trp News / Desk Report/ Srinagar/ Kashmir