Why did Education minister Manish sisodia Ran from the back Door.


United parents foundation Went to meet Education minister Delhi Manish sisodia, Rather than listening to the Grievance of Parents , He took a narrow escape and Ran out of the Back door.

No one seems to care about the Issues parents are facing.Prople have lost their jobs due to Covid pandemic, But Govt seems to act blind to all the issues. How can a school ask for fee when their premises have not been utilised by students. Tuition fee is ok, However Annual fee and other Fees should not be taken at all.
Govt should Support schools if they can’t support parents. People pay taxes to Govt, bcz they want Govt To Function in accordance to the benifits of the people, while parties are always busy in elections and all while tend to forget the real issues of people. Manish sisodia should look into this matter and Tak a stand for parents who are suffering right now.
(Piyush Singh /Parents United Foundation)

Desk Report /TRP News/Delhi.